PAP unit
This unit generates the air flow used to stop your airway collapsing along with housing the computer that controls your PAP.
Your sleep physcian will either prescribe you a CPAP, APAP or VPAP sleep apnea machines based on your home based sleep assessment results.
Adds moisture to the air so that treatment is more comfortable.
Therapy importance:
A humidifier may stop the dry mouth feeling associated with PAP use.
Overly dry mouth may indicate a poorly fitted mask. Selecting the right mask is essential for effective treatment.
Carries the air between the PAP unit and the mask. Some tubing is heated for patient comfort.
Used to deliver the air from the PAP unit. Masks are the most important part of treatment. They come in many different sizes and styles.
Therapy importance:
Mask discomfort is a major cause of people stopping treatment. Patients should try multiple masks to make sure their treatment is comfortable and effective. We will work with you to find the best mask for you.